




姓名Name 楊溥泰Pu-Tai Yang
職稱Title 兼任副教授
聯絡方式Contact E-mail : ptyang@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
個人網站Personal Website https://sites.google.com/site/putaiyang/
學歷Academic Degrees 美國普度大學 工業工程學博士(主修生產管理、另副修應用統計)
國立台灣大學 物理學碩士(主修半導體)
國立政治大學 企業管理學碩士班(肆業)
國立台灣師範大學 物理學學士
授課領域Discipline 行銷資料科學、統計學、量化研究方法、管理科學、作業管理
研究專長Speciality 行銷資料科學、資料探勘、物聯網、決策支援系統
Personal Work


  1. 期刊論文

    1.    Pu-Tai Yang, Chih-Yun Wu, Anarmaa Ganbat (2019),Antecedents of Online Shopping Intention: A Cross-cultural Comparison between Taiwan and Mongolia 
    2.    Yang, P. T., Huang, C. K., Chu, H. L., & Chuang, Y. T. (2018). Discovering diverse human behavior from two-dimensional preferences. Knowledge-Based Systems, 152, 11-25.
    3.     Huang, T. C. K., Yang, P. T., & Teng, J. H. (2018). Change detection model for sequential cause-and-effect relationships. Decision Support Systems, 106, 30-43.
    4.    Huang, C. K., Yang, P. T., & Hsieh, K. Y. (2018). Knowledge discovery of consensus and conflict interval-based temporal patterns: A novel group decision approach. Knowledge-Based Systems, 140, 201-213.
    5.    Yang, P. T., & Lee, S. (2012). A distributed reclustering hierarchy routing protocol using social welfare in wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 8(4), 681026.
    6.    Chen, S. C., Lin, S. K., Wu, K. T., Huang, C. P., Chang, P. H., Chen, N. C., ... & Wang, H. S. (2005). Transport measurements on MOVPE-grown InN films. Microelectronics journal, 36(3-6), 428-430.
  2. 研討會論文

    1.    Pu-Tai Yang*, Kai-Hao Yang, Ching-Chi Chen, Shwu-Min Horng (2018). Subjective association rule mining: From point-based ranking sequence to interval-based temporal sequence. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Big Data Management. Macau, China. (ACM, EI)
    2.    Pu-Tai Yang* and Chih-Jui Chen (2017). Conflict detection in interval-based temporal sequences from wireless sensor networks. International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2017). Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. (ACM, EI)
    3.    Pu-Tai Yang* (2016). Mining associated ranking patterns from wireless sensor networks. International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Big Data Analytics (ETBDA 2016). Bangkok, Thailand.
    4.    Pu-Tai Yang, Chih-Yun Wu*, Kai-Chieh Yu, Po-Wei Lin, and Anarmaa Ganbat, 2015. A questionnaire on the development of green transportation acceptance. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM 2015). Tokyo, Japan.
    5.    Pu-Tai Yang* and Seokcheon Lee, 2014. Spanning tree of residual energy based on data aggregation for maximizing the lifetime of wireless multimedia sensor networks. 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2014). Bali, Indonesia.
    6.    Pu-Tai Yang*, Seokcheon Lee, and Islam Ali, 2013. An iterative, cluster-based routing protocol based on energy welfare for maximizing network lifetime in wireless sensor networks. Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (ISERC 2013). San Juan, Puerto Rico.
    7.    黃正魁,楊溥泰*,鄧任宏,「變化探勘模型:以序列式因果樣式為例」,2016年第二十七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,台灣,台中。
    8.    劉康賢, 楊溥泰, 吳祉芸*, "以階層線性模型分析教練繼承的影響-以中華職棒大聯盟為例", 2015兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會,台灣,台中 (CD-ROM)
    9.    林帛緯, 喻楷傑, 吳祉芸, 楊溥泰*, "綠色交通接受度的量表發展", 2015兩岸永續經營創新、變革與挑戰國際學術研討會, 台灣,台中 (CD-ROM)
  3. 專書

    1.    周瑛琪、楊溥泰、盧慶樺(2016) 現代統計學  

附件檔案楊溥泰 助理教授_學術研究2019(NEW).pdf