




姓名Name 王珊彗 Shan-Huei Wang
職稱Title 副教授
辦公時間Office Hour  
聯絡方式Contact Tel : (04)23590121轉35115
E-mail : shanhueiwang@thu.edu.tw
研究室 : M478
個人網站Personal Website
學歷Academic Degrees 國立台灣大學商學研究所博士
經歷Experience 東海大學企管系助理教授
研究專長Speciality 國際策略管理、營運模式與創新管理、服務與營運管理、電子商務營運策略、數量研究
Personal Work


1. Wang, S. H.* (2024, Accepted). Benefits or Costs? Exploring the International Expansion Process of Business Grou  p. International Marketing Review. (SSCI: 5.91, 管一國企與管二行銷學門推薦期刊).
2. Wang, S. H., & Chang, J. H.* (2024, Accepted). Business concentration, ownership structure and business group performance: an S-shaped hypothesis, Journal of Management & Organization. (SSCI:3.94, Q1 in Business, Manageemnt and Accounting).
3. Huang, Y.T., & Wang, S. H.* (2024, Forthcoming). Choice of international entry mode in the service industry: A Multiple-Theoretical Perspective, Journal of the Knowledge Economy. (SSCI: 4.0, Q1 in Economics, Econometrics and Finance).
4. Wang, S. H.* (2023, Forthcoming). Resource Linkages, organizational slack and restructuring behavior decision. Global Business Review. (ESCI: 2.4/JCR collected Journal; Scopus: 2.7).
5. Chen. C. J., Guo, R. S., Wang, S. H.,* & Lin, Y. (2022). Power distance diversification, ownership structure, and business group performance, Journal of Business Research,151, 70-85 (SSCI: 7.55, 管一管理、管二行銷學門推薦期刊).
6. Chen. C. J., Lin, Y. H*., Wang, S. H., & Guo, R. S (2022). Parent-subsidiary linkage: how resource commitment and resource similarity influence firm performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39(2), 615-658 (SSCI: 5.61, 管一管理學門推薦期刊).
7. 張榮華、王珊彗*、黃于烜 (2021). 共享平台特性對消費者偏好之研究:以信任與風險為中介變項。青年管理評論,14(2).
8. Wang, S. H ., Chen. C. J., Guo, R. S., & Lin, Y. H. (2020). Industry diversification of business group: capability, strategy, and performance. Management Decision, 58(1):76-97. (SSCI: 4.957, Q1 in Business, Management and Accounting).
9. Chang, J. H., & Wang, S. H*. (2019). Different levels of destination expectation: the effects of online advertising and electronic word-of-mouth. Telematics & Informatics, 36: 27-38. (SSCI:6.182, Q1 in Information Management & Library science)
10. Chang, J. H., Zhu, Y. Q., Wang, S. H., & Li, Y. J., (2018). Would you change your mind? An empirical study of socialimpact theory on Facebook.” Telematics & Informatics, 35(1), 282-292. (SSCI:6.18, Q1 in Information Management & Library science)
11. 陳忠仁、郭瑞祥、劉又蜜、王珊彗*2018). 動態能力演化王品集團之經營發展與轉型策略。產業管理論壇19(4).
12. Wang, S. H.* (2017). Web-based medical service: technology attractiveness, medical Creditability, Information Source, and Behavior Intention. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(7): e285 (SCI:7.08, Q1 in Medical Informatics;
Q1 in Healthcare Science & Service). 
13. Chang, J. H., & Wang, S. H.* (2016). Good products will not betray you. YMC Management Review, 9 (1), 47-60.
14. Wu, J. J., & Wang, S. H. (2010). Exploring asymmetrical information transmission processes in online auctions. Internet Research, 20(5), 495-508. (SSCI: 6.77, 管二資管學門推薦期刊).