




姓名Name 周瑛琪Ying-Chyi Chou
職稱Title 特聘教授兼療癒環境管理與研究中心主任
辦公時間Office Hour (請事先寫信約定晤談時間)
聯絡方式Contact Tel : (04)23590121轉35122
Fax : (04)23594109
E-mail : ycchou@thu.edu.tw
研究室 : M471
個人網站Personal Website https://hear.thu.edu.tw
學歷Academic Degrees 1996–2001 國立交通大學經營管理研究所博士
1994-1996 國立中正大學統計學研究所碩士
1990-1994 國立清華大學數學系學士
經歷Experience ●現職
2023年01月起  美國布朗大學Fulbright訪問學者
2023年01月起  教育部教學實踐計畫管理領域副召集人
2021年起擔任期刊Journal of Sustainability Perspectives (JSP)主編
2020年9月起 馬來西亞 UCSI 教育集團 Adjunct Professor
2020 年1月  台中市科技管理學會台中市科技管理學會常務理事
2019年9月  The Society for Design Process Science (SDPS)  Executive Director
2018年3月  馬來西亞拉曼大學企業管理學士學程 External Examiner
2018年2月 美國Andrews University管理學院客座教授
2017年4月起 東海大學療癒環境管理與研究中心主任
2017年2月起 教育部聘任高級中學評鑑專業群科評鑑委員
2016年5月起 中華卓越經營決策學會第四屆理事
2012年8月起 東海大學企業管理系教授
2016年1月起 科技部工業工程學門複審委員
2010年7月 起 中華決策科學學會常務監事 中華福祉科技科技與服務管理學會監事
2016年8月至2017年10月 東海大學教務處副教務長兼招生策略中心主任
2015年5月至2016年7月 東海大學教務處副教務長兼教資中心主任
2013年10月至2015年7月 東海大學國際經營管理學士學位學程(英語學程)主任
2012年2月 至2013年7月 東海大學研發處評量組組長
2005年2月至2012年7月 東海大學企業管理系副教授
2007年8月至2012年1月 東海大學創新育成中心主任
2012年1月至2014年12月 中國工業工程學會服務系統工程推動委員會召集人
2011年1月起2012年12月 台中市政府研究發展考核委員會委員
2010年8月至2014年7月 東海大學企業管理系系主任
2008年7月至2010年6月 中華決策科學學會監事
2023, Jan-Jul        Fulbright Scholar (supported by Fulbright foundation for 6 months)
Brown University, USA (hosted by Pr. Gary P Epstein-Lubow)
2022, Jun-Sep       Visiting Scholar (supported by MOST for 3 months)
Paris Descartes University (PDU), Broca hospital, France
(hosted by Pr. RIGAUD Anne-Sophie)

2020年 11月2日~20日 與印尼、泰國、澳洲、法國合作管理線上課程_Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Building Resilience in the Global Uncertainty。
2020 年11月18~20 日SPDS 線上研討會,擔任研討會主席。
2019年7月28日到2019年8月1日主辦SDPS國際研討會,擔任Steering Committee。
2017年7月11日至2017年7月13日參加Andrews University管理教學課程研習
2014年6月至2014年9月Rhode Island University (美國羅德島大學)訪問學者
2008年6月至2008年9月Florida State University(佛羅里達州立大學)訪問學者
榮譽Honor 2020-獲聘為東海大學特聘教授 (109學年度:2020/08/01 至 2021/07/31)
2015-獲頒 中華民國管理科學學會呂鳳章獎章
2013- 4月協助小學師生共同開發節能減碳教具, 並以"安全警示搖擺設備"申請新型專利
2011-2011中區企業管理碩士論文獎 林均鏗 佳作、林岱瑩佳作
指導學生林均鏗 佳作、林岱瑩參加中區企業管理碩士論文獎得佳作
8月取得Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification –Lead Verifier Training Course (ISO 14064: 2006), BSI.
8月取得Product Carbon Footprint/Product Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification – Lead Verifier Training Course, (PAS 2050: 2008), BSI.
2010-2010年中華決策科學學會暨台灣作業研究學會碩博士論文競賽決策科學組碩士組佳作 邱耀慶 建構製造業內設校正實驗室之經濟效益評估模式
2010-中區企業管理碩士論文獎 陳俊源佳作 東海大學產學績優獎
授課領域Discipline 人力資源管理、服務管理、問題分析與決策、企業與社會, 績效管理
研究專長Speciality 人力資源管理、績效評估與管理、服務管理、決策科學、療癒環境管裡
Personal Work


  1. Publications (2010-2022)

    1.    Lai, W.C., Chang, P.L. and Chou, Y.C., 2010, “Fuzzy MCDM Approach to R&D Project Evaluation in Taiwan's Public Sectors. Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 84-101.
    2.    張保隆、周瑛琪、顏炘怡、鄭妃君,2010。護理人員生涯需求與醫院生涯發展方案議題之探討。醫務管理期刊,第2卷第11期,頁112-130。
    3.    Chou, Y.C., & Chuang, W.C., 2011. Effects of Service Quality on Perceptions of the Professional Consultation Role of Outpatient Pharmacists. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 73 – 84.
    4.    Chou, Y.C., Chang, P.L., & Yen, H.Y., 2011. Temporary Worker Performance and Its Antecedent Factors: from the View of Relationship Marketing and Internal Marketing. Social Behavior and Personality, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 161-172. (SSCI)
    5.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Ching-Hua Lu & Ya-Yun Tang, 2011. Identifying Inventory Problems in the Aerospace Industry Using the Theory of Constraints. International Journal of Production Research, available online: 14 Dec 2011, pp.1-14. (SCI)
    6.    Ying-Chyi Chou*, Chen, B.Y., Tang, Y.Y., Qiu, Z.J., & Wu, M.F., 2012. Prescription-Filling Process Redesign of an Outpatient Pharmacy in a Taiwan Medical Center. Journal of Medical Systems, 13 July, Volume 36, Issue 2, Page 893-902. (SCI, IF=1.372, Rank=MEDICAL INFORMATICS 13/24=0.54, Cited by 2)
    7.    Ying-Chyi Chou*, Chia-Chi Sun, Hsin-Yi Yen, 2012. Evaluating the Criteria for Human Resource for Science and Technology (HRST) Based on an Integrated Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy DEMATEL approach. Applied Soft Computing, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 64-71. (SCI, IF=2.679, Rank=COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS 14/102=0.14, Cited by 12) 
    8.    周瑛琪、顏炘怡、丁承、 陳葳瑀 (2012)。銀行業信任與衝突之關聯及不同薪資結構調節效果之研究。台灣金融財務季刊,第13卷,第1期,頁1-23。
    9.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Chia-Han Yang, & Chi-Wen Pao, 2012. Strategic Group Analysis of Flexible Display Industry Using Patent Value Depreciation Model. Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialization, Vol. 11, No. 3/4, 2012, pp.247-269.
    10.    Huang, Y. H., Chou, Y. C., Yen, H. W., & Bai, H. C., 2012. The Development of Innovative Program for Energy Saving & Carbon Reduction Education: An Example of Elementary School. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 51, pp. 840 – 848. [Elsevier]
    11.    Pao-Long Chang, Chao-Jung Chang, Ying-Chyi Chou & Ching-Hua Lu, 2012. Creating a Disruptive Gap in Integrated Circuit Manufacturing through Supportive R&D Activities. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, IJRRAS 13 (3) December 2012, pp.678-685.
    12.    Chao-Tung Yang, Chi-Jui Liao, Jung-Chun Liu, Walter Den*, Ying-Chyi Chou, Jaw-Ji Tsai, 2014. Construction and Application of an Intelligent Air Quality Monitoring System for Healthcare Environment. Journal of Medical Systems, Vol.38, No.2, pp.1-10 (SCI, IF=1.372, Rank=MEDICAL INFORMATICS 13/24=0.54).
    13.    Ying-Chyi Chou*, Hsin-Yi Yen, Chia-Chi Sun, 2014. An Integrate Method for Performance of Women in Science and Technology Based on Entropy Measure for Objective Weighting. Quality & Quantity, Vol.48, No.1, pp.157-172. (Published online:0808/2012)(SCI)(SSCI, IF=0.761, Rank=SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY 38/93=0.41)
    14.    周瑛琪、盧慶樺、顏炘怡、唐明順(2014)。建構以偏好為基礎之老人居家照顧服務傳遞系統-健康照護價值鏈觀點。福祉科技與服務管理學刊,第2卷第3期。(DOI:10.6283/JOCSG.2014.2.3.183)
    15.    顏如妙、周瑛琪、邱婷琳(2014) 。商品感性價值內涵與資訊傳遞設計—以文創產業為例。 管理資訊計算,第4 卷第1 期,55-72 頁
    16.    Shr-Jya Chen, Ying-Chyi Chou, Hsin-Yi Yen, & Yu-Long Chao*, 2015. Investigating and Structural Modeling Energy Literacy of High School Students in Taiwan. Energy Efficiency (SCI, IF=0.961, Rank= ENERGY & FUELS 54/83=0.65)
    17.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Yen, H.Y., Yen, H.W., Chao, Y.L.*, Huang, Y.H., 2015. The Effectiveness of Teaching Aids for Elementary Students’Renewable Energy Learning and an Analysis of Their Energy Attitude Formation. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 10(1), 39-49.
    18.    Liz C. Wang*, Lisa C., & Ying-Chyi Chou, 2015. Moral Attentiveness across Cultures: A Comparative Study of the United States and Taiwan. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, Volume 18, pp.1-10.
    19.    周瑛琪 & 顏炘怡 (2015)。公立醫療機構人力資源臉彈性化之研究。福祉科技與服務管理學刊,第3卷第3期pp. 289—291。
    20.    趙裕斌、賴文祥、周瑛琪 (2015)。銀髮產業中高階主管職能內涵之研究。福祉科技與服務管理學刊,第3卷第3期pp. 295—295。
    21.    周瑛琪、顏炘怡、顏如妙 (2016)。應用AHP建構蘭花需求導向品種檢核指標蘭花計畫。科技管理學刊 (TSSCI), 第二十一卷第三期。
    22.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Ming-Guan, Huang, Hsin-Yi Yen, Van Thac Dang*, and Ching-Hua Lu. 2016. A Study of Temporary Workers under Labor Demand Uncertainty by Using Compound Options Models. Transylvanian Review, 24(9), (SSCI), 24(9), 1270-1280.
    23.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Chia-Han Yang, Ching-Hua Lu, Van Thac Dang*, and Pei-An Yang, 2017. Building Criteria for Evaluating Green Project Management: an Integrated Approach of DEMATEL and ANP. Sustainability, 9, 740-756. (SCI).
    24.    Yu-Long Chao, Ying-Chyi Chou, Hsin-Yi Yen, & Shr-Jya Chen, 2017.  The Effects of Earth Science Textbook Contents on High School Students’ Knowledge of, Attitude Toward, and Behavior of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction. Science Education International, Vol. 28, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 30-52.
    25.    Ching-Hua Lu, Ying-Chyi Chou, Jen-Hung Huang*, and Hsiao-Wen Chu. 2018. Combing TOC and the replenishment model for optimizing deteriorating inventory management: a case study of the aerospace industry. Corporate Management Review (TSSCI). Vol. 38 No. 1, 2018 pp. 37-63
    26.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Van Thac Dang*, Hsin-Yi Yen, Pi-Shan Hsu, 2018.10, “Developing a Measurement Scale of Gender-Friendly Hospital Environments: An Exploratory Study of Customer Perceptions in Taiwan”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI), 15, 2227; doi:10.3390/ijerph15102227 the journal's 5-Year Impact Factor is 2.608.
    27.    Chia -Han Yang, Ying-Chyi Chou, Van Thac Dang*,Jing -Shoung Hou, Chang -Chan Huang. And Ching-Hua Lu, 2018, “Analyzing the Optimal Level of Biotope Quality and Cost Planning for Sustainable Development in Regional Tourism: A Study of B&B Houses in Taiwan”, International Journal of Business and Economics (Econlit期刊), Vol. 17, No. 1, 73-94.
    28.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Hsin-Yi Yen, and Shao-Jung Yu, 2018. Developing a Temporary Workforce Transaction Mechanism from Risk Sharing Perspectives, International Journal of Production Research (SCI), 56, 5, p. 1865-1881
    29.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Hsin-Yi Yen, Van Thac Dang,* and Chia-Chi Sun , 2019, “Assessing the Human Resource in Science and Technology for Asian Countries: Application of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS”, Symmetry (SCI), 11(2), 251.
    30.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Van Thac Dang,*, Hsin-Yi Yen and Kuan-Ming Lai, 2019, Influence of Risk of Drug–Drug Interactions and Time Availability on Patient Trust, Satisfaction, and Cooperation with Clinical Pharmacists, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, (SCI) (SSCI) 2019, 16(9) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16091566, 2018 Impact Factor: 1.362*.
    31.    Kiah Ju Ong*, Ying-Chyi Chou, Ding-Yah Yang, 2019, “The impact of science fair on the students’ engagement, capacity, continuity, and motivation towards science learning”, JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SAINS & MATEMATIK MALAYSIA VOL 9, pp.1-12.
    32.    Dang, Van Thac; Chou, Ying-Chyi, 2019, Extrinsic motivation, workplace learning, employer trust, self-efficacy and cross-cultural adjustment: An empirical study of Vietnamese laborers in Taiwan, Personnel Review (SSCI) 
    33.    Wen-Chi Lo, Ching-Hua Lu,* and Ying-Chyi Chou, 2020, “Application of Multicriteria Decision Making and Multi-Objective Planning Methods for Evaluating Metropolitan Parks in Terms of Budget and Benefits”, Mathematics 2020, 8(8), 1304; https://doi.org/10.3390/math8081304 (registering DOI)(SCI)
    34.    Sheng-Hsun Hsu, Yu-Fan Chen, and Ying-Chyi Chou, 2021, “Topic analysis of studies on total quality management and business excellence: an update on research from 2010 to 2019”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. (SSCI, SCI)
    35.    CF Lin, JJ Wu, YH Huang, LY Ju, SY Lin, YC Chou, CS Lin, 2021, “Impact of day care services on physical and cognitive functions in old people with dementia in a medical center in central Taiwan”, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , vol 19 (1), 1-8. (SCI)
    36.    Kiah-Ju Ong, Ching-Hua Lu*, Ying-Chyi Chou, and Kuan-Jung Chen, 2022, “Learning Environment and Course Experience vs Adaptability, Motivation, and Creativity: Their Contribution to Learning Effectiveness”, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science (2022/4 accepted)
    37.    Ying-Chyi Chou, Linda Linda and Ching-Hua Lu, 2022, “User-centered care, engagement, and user’s orientation preference in postpartum care of quality: practitioner-postpartum women interdependence mediation analysis”, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science (2022/4 accepted)
    38.    Omar Hamdan Mohammad Alkharabsheh, Amar Hisham Jaaffar *, Ying-Chyi Chou, Erni Rawati, Pok Wei Fong, 2022, “The Mediating Effect of Fatigue on the Nature element, Organisational culture and Task performance in Central Taiwan”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SSCI), (2022/6/21 accepted) 2022 Jul 19;19(14):8759. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19148759.
    39.    Ya-Shin Wang, Cheng-Fu Lin*, Fu-Hsuan Kuo, Ying-Chyi Chou and Shih-Yi Lin*, 2022,” Impact of Daycare Service Interruption during COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical and Mental Functions and Nutrition in Older People with Dementia”, Healthcare, 10(9), 1744; https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10091744. (SSCI),
  2. Research Projects (2015-2022)

    1.    2022/08~2023/07 (周瑛琪) (PI), 社交機器人在高齡社會應用之跨領域研發人才培育計畫(1/3), 教育部補助大專校院STEM領域及女性研發人才培育計畫 (NT 2,500,000 ) 
    2.    2022/06~2022/09 
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), , Using health production model to evaluate the performance of social robot – From the view of caregivers of elderly with dementia. (MOST 111-2918-I-029 -002 -)
    3.    2021/08~2022/01
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (Co-PI), National Mars Mission Competition. (MOST 110-2515-S-029-003-)
    4.    2021/01~2021/12
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (Co-PI), An Integrated Dementia Test Scale and Care System for Cognitive Function, Physical Environment, and Community Relationship. (TCVGH-T1107802, Taichung Veterans General Hospital)
    5.    2020/06~2021/05
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (Co-PI), Innovative Ultrasonic Ventilator Constructs AI Diagnostic Service System for Elderly Chronic Respiratory Pulmonary Obstruction (MOST-109-2622-E-029 -005 -CC3)
    6.    2020/08~2022/10
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Using servicescape model and care utility function to build the healing environment evaluation system on elderly with dementia in day care center. (MOST 109-2221-E-029 -012 -MY2)
    7.    2020/08~2021/07
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), The business model construction and the analysis of stakeholders for a sustainable aquaculture product-ecofriendly shrimp. (MOST 109-2621-M-029 -003 -)
    8.    2020/08~2021/05
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), The Aging Societies We need to face in Taiwan and in France-sharing, understanding and developing (MOST 109 -2927-I-029 -501). 雙邊研討會(科技部與法國在臺協會幽蘭計畫)
    9.    2019/01~2019/12
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (Co-PI), Deep learning of activity design for health management and estimation- A case study on TVGH dementia daycare center. (TCVGH-T1087809, Taichung Veterans General Hospital)
    10.    2019/08~2020/07
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), The integration of formal and informal programs for a dementia care service system: an example of community-based care center of dementia (MOST 108-2221-E-029 -006 -)
    11.    2019/05~2019/07
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Social support function of daily activities design for the patient with dementia and their caregiver burden: A comparative study of Taiwan France. 
    12.    2016/08~2019/07
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Application of the two-stage preferred-based decision-making model to construct an optimal healing environment in hospitals for the elderly -----from the perspectives of community relations and social support among different countries,科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫 (MOST 105-2628-E-029-001-MY3)
    13.    2018/01~2018/12
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Observational Study of Daily Activities in Day Care Center- Improvement of Quality of Life of Elder People through Need-driven activity design. (TCVGH-T1107802, Taichung Veterans General Hospital)
    14.    2016/08~0217/07
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Using online social support to construct the LGBTQ friendly online learning environment (V01). (MOST 105-2629-E-029-001-MY3)
    15.    201608~201707
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (Co-PI), The impact of social participation and economic security for successful aging. (MOST 105-2632-H-029-001–MY3)
    16.    201508~201607
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Constructing a Preference-Based Demand-Response Home Care Service Delivery System for the Elderly: Applying human activity assistive technology model for designing service system. (II) (MOST 104-2221-E-029-015-)
    17.    2015/08~2016/07
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Import or domestic production? The comprehensive estimation of biodiesel production strategies in Taiwan(MOST 104-2621-M-029-005)
    18.    2014/08~2015/07
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Constructing a Preference-Based Demand-Response Home Care Service Delivery System for the Elderly:From the Perspective of a Health Care Delivery Value Chain (MOST 103-2221-E-029 -012)
    19.    2014/08~2017/01
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (Co-PI), An Integrated Study of New Business Value Creation and Operational Performance--Integrated Study of New Business Value Creation and Operational Performance. (MOST103-2632-H-029 -002 -MY2)
    20.    2014/08~2015/10
    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (Co-PI), From Cellulose to Biodiesel: Technological Development of Second Generation Biodiesel, Impact Assessment of Industrial Economy and Legal Policy--Cultivation of high-fat yeast with cellulose hydrolyzate, and then transesterification into biodiesel research (I) (MOST 103-2621-M-029 -007)
    21.    Ying-Chyi Chou (周瑛琪) (PI), Using Servicescape model to construct the gender friendly medical environment and investment performance evaluation(A01) (MOST 103-2629-E-029 -001) 
  3. Organizer of International Conferences
    1.    20220304 【The 2nd Conference on Management, Business, Innovation, Education, and Social Science (CoMBInES) 】 Taichung, Taiwan, Organizers: HEAR Tunghai University, UIB, UTAR
    2.    20220319 【高齡智慧照護研討會(Artificial Intelligence Care for Old People)】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    3.    20220417【高齡失智整合照謢研討會(Integrated Care for Old People with Dementia) 】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    4.    20220514 【高齡長照整合照謢趨勢與挑戰(Trend and Challenges for the Long Term Care) 】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    5.    2021/2/19邀請法國在台協會副處長 Dr. Jérôme Bove及專員Sasha Ting蒞臨東海大學,並邀請七所高中教務主任及科學班老師與會,討論台法高中科學教育的合作模式。
    6.    2021/4/17科技部台法幽蘭計畫執行,「The aging society we face in Taiwan and in France-the experience sharing and discussion」,台法學者在台灣舉辦研討會(線上會議)
    7.    2021/07/31【智慧居家環境與高齡長者照護研討會(Artificial Intelligence and Home Environment in Care for Old People)】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    8.    2021/08/28【各式場域高齡長者整合照護研討會(Integrated Care for Old People at Different Clinical Settings)】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    9.    2020/08/22【高齡長者精神健康與生活品質照護國際研討會(Mental Health and Quality of Life Care in the Older People)】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    10.    2020/10/17【面對新冠狀肺炎之高齡照護國際研討會(Corporate Carbon Reduction Strategies Workshop)】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    11.    2020/10/25【精準醫學與高齡照護國際研討會(Precision  Medicine  in Elder  People  Care)】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    12.    2020/12/26-12/27【音樂治療於失智長者服務模式與訓練方案(Music Therapy for Elders with Dementia: Intervention Models and Training Program)】
    13.    2019/06/15 Humanity and the Environment: An Aging Earth「人文與環境 : 銀髮照顧與永續社會」之國際研討會。臺中榮總教學大樓1F第五會場
    14.    2019/07/27, Geriatric Health Care, Environment Design and Artificial Intelligence「高齡健康照護、環境設計與人工智慧國際研討會」(Organizer: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Co-organizer: HRAR)
    15.    2019/07/28- 08/01 2019 主辦The Society for Design and Process Science Transformative Research through Transdisciplinary Means International Conference (SDPS 2019)。永豐棧飯店,臺中。
    16.    2019/10/26【高齡失智長者整合照護國際研討會(Integrated Care in the Older People with Dementia)】(Organizers: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital and HEAR Tunghai University)
    17.    2018/02/24-27【MBA ,EMBA國際企業社會責任教育參訪暨研討會-International MBA and EMBA CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Educational Tour and Seminar (Malaysia)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    18.    2018/03/01 Formed a THU day care course team, and served as a teacher’s team for Day care center of Taichung Veterans General Hospital. (Organizer: HEAR)
    19.    2018/03/05【高齡醫學照護暨周全性老年評估研習會- Geriatric Medicine Care and comprehensive geriatric assessment】(Organizer: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Co-organizer: HRAR)
    20.    2018/03/15-19【學習環境和大學社會責任國際座談會-International Symposium on Learning Environment and University Social Responsibility】(Organizer: HEAR)
    21.    2018/03/17【提升高齡者日間照顧品質之國際研討會-International Conference on Improving Day Care Quality for the Elderly People】(Organizer: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Co-organizer: HRAR) 
    22.    2018/03/19【全球青年商管冬日營(馬來西亞班)-THU Winter Program of Business Administration for Youths Worldwide (Malaysia) 】(Organizer: HEAR)
    23.    2018/03/20-27【全球青年冬日營(馬來西亞班)-THU Winter Program for Youths Worldwide (Malaysia)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    24.    2018/08/09-10【實證為基礎之健康照護管理研究方法工作坊(Workshop on Structural Equation Modeling For Evidenced-Based Health Management)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    25.    2018/08/11【高齡長者社區長照國際研討會(International Conference on Long Term Care in the Elder People in the Community)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    26.    2018/08/18【認知功能障礙與社區照顧支持國際研討會(International Conference on “ Cognitive Impairment and Establishing Support in the Community)】(Organizer: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Co-organizer: HRAR)
    27.    2017/06/24【高齡長者友善照護系統國際研討會(Making Care System Friendly for the Old People)】(Organizer: HRAR; Co-organizer: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital)  
    28.    2017/07/22【認知功能障礙長者友善照護國際研討會(Friendly Care for Old People with Cognition Disorder)】(Organizer: HRAR; Co-organizer: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital)
    29.    2017/09/09【高齡關節炎照護國際研討會(Medical Care for Old People with Arthritis)】(Organizer: Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital; Co-organizer: HRAR)
    30.    2017/09/26-10/09【全球青年商管夏日營(馬來西亞班)-THU Summer Program of Business Administration for Youths Worldwide (Malaysia)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    31.    2017/09/26-28【結合社會公正與服務於管理與治理-Incorporating Social Justice and Service in Management and Governance】(Organizer: HEAR)
    32.    2017/11/02-16【全球青年商管夏日營(印尼班)-THU Summer Program of Business Administration for Youths Worldwide (Indonesia)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    33.    2017/11/23-12/20【全球高階管理專班(馬來西亞)-THU Continuing Education Program of Managerial Skills and Culture Experience for Foreign Director (Malaysia)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    34.    2017/12/18-19【療癒環境與健康促進實踐社群國際工作坊(2017 International Workshop on Healing Environment and Health Promotion Community of Practice)】(Organizer: HEAR)
    D.International Intern Program (教育部築夢海外實習) PI: Prof. Ying Chyi Chou
    Year Country Partners Participants & Period
    2022 Malaysia M3EC MILLENNIUM SDN. BHD 7 students for 3 months
    Malaysian Association For Social Care Professionals And Home (NPO) 6 students for 2 months
    French CLINEA - Clinic Pre-Saint-Gervais 12 students for 2 months
    Israel Marom-Non Profit Organization 9 students for 1 months
    Netherland International REC Standard (NPO) 6 students for 1 months
    2019 French ACPPA Péan Elderly Nursing Home 3 students for 1 months
    2019 Malaysia LINBAQ HOLDING SDN. BHD (新山) 3 students for 1 months
    2018 Malaysia Ever Delicious Food Industries Sdn. Bhd 3 students for 3 months
    FIFFY Sdn. Bhd 2 students for 3 months
    *no international intern program in 2020 & 2021 due to Covid-19
     NPO: a non-profit organization